I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Monday, March 17, 2008

So Much To Blog About, So Little Energy

I have a stack of blog post ideas waiting to be finished or written, but I'm too fried. So much to blog about -- The Wire, the latest politician's sex scandal, Tibet, Kosovo, academic stuff, etc., but I just don't have the energy. I was very tempted to write an amusing post today about my morning commute. It's usually quite uneventful, but today I had a very "me" moment. It was funny, but kind of gross, which is why I decided not to share after all.

So why am I writing a post about essentially nothing? Because I am overtired. Today was a long, but productive day. Tomorrow will be a very long day dealing with very stressed out students (it's midterm time). I need to wind down, but my mind is too consumed with everything that I need to finish this week before Spring Break. I am really, truly taking a break this time. Honestly. I swear.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


I'm sitting at Panera Bread grading papers. Not far from me is a guy talking on his cell phone. He is obviously a plastic surgeon. He appears to be talking to a colleague. They spent a good 20 minutes talking breasts -- not something you usually hear in Panera Bread. Here are a couple of other tidbits from the one-sided conversation that I heard:

So you do the whole face in one sitting? (Hmmm...)

I'm not sure if that's very safe. (Yikes!)

How many cc's did you say? The phone cut out on me. (Double yikes!)

I'm studying for my certification exams. (Dude! Get off the phone and get studying. I think you may need it.)

Staying Afloat

I'm a little surprised at how long it's been since I've blogged here. Sometimes I really don't know where the time goes. I've hit that point in the semester where I'm a little worn out, a little overwhelmed, but managing to stay afloat. I have only two more weeks until spring break and I should be able to stay sane until then. So here are some quick updates on what's going on until I can carve out some time for a more meaningful post:

  • Classes are going well. I'm always a little surprised by that. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I'm saying this as I'm grading essay exams, which is one of my least favorite chores.

  • I have recently been in touch with three important friends from my past who I had lost contact with for a while -- two from my days traveling in Europe and one from high school. It's been great to hear from them again and I really hope to rebuild those friendships. It's also made me very nostalgic for days gone by.

  • I have not blogged about my fabulous niece in ages. That's because I have lost some of my cool. She's in a very serious Barbie phase and I just can't compete (on so many levels ;-)). My sister did report that her vocabularly is still amazing. She recently described one of her Barbies as "distinguished." When my sister asked her what that word meant, she said "when you look fine in your clothing." Well, I guess the insidious plastic creatures are not killing brain cells.