I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today is one of those days where I have to take care of all of the little things that I've put off for too long and that I simply don't want to do, but they need to get done. I even forced myself to come to the office to do them because otherwise they would have been put off for another day. So after 2 hours of working on a Sunday afternoon, I am boring myself to tears. Here's just a snippet of the "fun" things on today's agenda:

  • Format the citations for the "paper that consumed my summer" so that I can actually send it off. Even though I use citation software, I still find myself cleaning up citations way too often. Probably because I'm lazy about these things and don't use the software as I should. I am always jealous when I read the acknowledgements of an academic book written by a male professor and he thanks his wife for secretarial support. If only! (BTW, I really would love to see such an acknowledgement by a female author, so if you come across one, send it my way.)
  • Fill out paper forms to put my course books on reserve, even though I already filled out the paperless reserve forms. This one just kills me!
  • File the gazillion articles covering all of the open surfaces in my office. Again, a personal secretary would be nice. I have actually been tempted to hire the teenage child of a friend just to help with some of this stuff.

I could go on and on, but I'm starting to feel guilty about transferring my tedium to others.


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