This Just Gets My Goat
It's bad enough that we're surrounded by the wanton consumerism of the holiday season, but this article about "baby mama gifts" just irritates me beyond belief.* The idea is that husbands have to show appreciation for the pains of their wives' labor through expensive gifts, preferably jewelry. While there's no doubt that women have the unfair share of duties with respect to pregnancy, labor, and childrearing, a pair of diamond earrings does not make things even. All it does is assuage the husband's guilt and show the world what a great guy HE is, thereby taking attention away from both the baby and the new mother. If you really want to thank your partner for bringing your children into the world, then why not help with the process and do your fair share of the work!!!!
*I'm kind of on a kick now about looking up the etimology of odd sayings like "get my goat."
*I'm kind of on a kick now about looking up the etimology of odd sayings like "get my goat."
Well-said, Janet!
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