Week in Review
- Most of the week was consumed by "the paper that has taken over my life." I made some noticeable progress and I'm happy with the way it's shaping up. I'm also on the verge of burnout, so it's a good thing I'm taking some time off soon.
- Most of my free time was spent re-reading Harry Potter Book 6, in anticipation of Book 7.
- Although I had planned to spend a few days at home devouring Book 7 as soon as it came out, that plan has to be postponed until next week. My sister and niece are visiting this week. We have lots of fun stuff planned, including a trip to Tanglewood to hear the BSO.
- I've also been reading Collapse, which is a really interesting book about civilizations that did not survive because of a combination of social and environmental problems, with emphasis on the latter since the author is a biologist. I have to admit, though, that it's been a slow read since it's kind of depressing. Sometimes the depth of human ignorance can be astounding.
- I have been following this year's running of the bulls with more interest than usual, partly out of morbid curiosity and partly because this is one of those things that clearly falls in the category of "things I just don't get."
I can't believe you are close to Tanglewood, I am so jealous, I love love love Tanglewood!
Also - have you heard about the women's group who want an equal opportunity event for the "Running of the Cows" - apparently cows want to run too. All the cows I have seen haven't been in too much of a hurry so maybe the "Mosey-ing of the Cows" is a better name.
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