I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A New Low

I thought that the excessive coverage of the departure of the Wiggles lead singer was a sign of a slow media day. Now, however, I think that the media has hit an all time low. My morning online newspaper troll led me to this precious find.

The headline from the cover of the Life section of USAToday:
The crotch shot seen 'round the world

The headline of the actual article:
Britney's crotch shots take web by storm

I seriously do not want to read about Britney's crotch at 8 a.m. In fact, I really don't want to read about anyone's crotch, particularly in a serious news outlet. At least CNN was respectable enough not to have the same story posted ... at least not yet.


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