I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

Things are hectic. I'm also in a bit of a personal and professional funk so I've been avoiding the blog recently. Here are a few things on my mind:
  1. Like many others, I am distraught over the Virginia Tech incident and I just don't know what to say about it.
  2. Three weeks left to the end of the semester!
  3. Little things go a long way in making a relationship work. My husband is awesome and I haven't said that in a while.
  4. Humility is underrated.
  5. So is kindness.
  6. I just got some new software to create sparklines and I can't wait to start using it!
  7. I miss blogging.


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