I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Quiet Car

I am not a big fan of Amtrak because they are ridiculously slow, chronically late, and poorly scheduled. Typically in my ranking of modes of public transportation they are only a small step above Greyhound, and I hate Greyhound because I'm still scarred from all of my college trips home on the bus and my near-death experience at a Greyhound station in Detroit, even though that was more than a decade ago. That said, Amtrak has just gained a little more respectability in my book because of my trip yesterday. I took the train from Albany to New York City for a seminar on the presentation of information, which by the way was great. It was a 2.5-hour-long trip and each way Amtrak was less than 5 minutes late. That is truly a record! But what really impressed me was that on the 6 a.m. trip to NYC, Amtrak designated the last car in the train as a "quiet car." No talking, no phones, no loud anything. Heaven! Well, as least as close to heaven as Amtrak will ever get.


Blogger Corey said...

All hail to Tufte. How many books did you score? Did the geeks come in droves to get his autograph? I treasure mine, it reads: Edward Tufte. What an efficient display of information. The data to ink ratio is nearly is enormous.

Hey and what's up with comment moderation? That will keep the Lonely Donut Man away.

2:50 PM  

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