I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Truly Bad Behavior

Okay, so I was trying to avoid blogging about the World Cup. I enjoyed watching some of the matches, but I'm not a serious soccer fan and I feel out of my element talking about it.

However, I just can't let the head-butting incident go without comment. So a grown man, team captain nonetheless, head-butts an oponent during a World Cup match. No, no, this didn't happen at your kid's Saturday soccer game. These were professionals!

As if the act itself wasn't absurd, childish, embarrassing, etc., his rationale for the bad behavior is priceless. The Italian opponent apparently insulted Zidane's mother and sister, thereby provoking Zidane's behavior.

"There was a serious provocation," Zidane said. "My act is not forgivable. But they must also punish the true guilty party, and the guilty party is the one who provokes."

Uhhhh, really? I would say the true guilty party is the adult who head-butts! Really!!! ARE YOU FIVE?!?!?!

I suppose there is some justice in that Italy beat France in a penalty shootout, but then Zidane received the best-player award. Or was that the best head-butt award?!?!

(Photo by premasagar obtained from Creative Commons.)


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