I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

In Defense of Rotties

People ask us all the time if Hershey, our Rottweiler pound puppy, is mean or dangerous. The answer is no (unless she feels threatened in some way, which is very rare). Hershey is the sweetest and most sensitive dog we've ever owned. She is incredibly affectionate and she loves kids and other animals. She's been Abby's best friend since she was an infant. She's also adverse to conflict, as best illustrated by the fact that she is a 120-lb dog who regularly gets beat up by our 8-lb, declawed cat.

Despite these claims, people are still wary of her. So today I felt vindicated when my sister sent me this news story about the 10 most aggressive dog breeds. Not only were Rotties not on the list, but Daschunds were number one. My sister's two hotdogs are seriously mean little buggers, so I was not at all surprised. Number two was the Chihuahua. I was bitten by my mom's Chihuahua when I was two and apparently I have not forgiven the breed for that incident.


Blogger Holli Lama said...

My friends dog (FOSTER) my goddog is a rottie mix and we thing hound dog or great dane or something... he is the sweetest dog you could find. But there is a predjudice again big black dogs...there is an actual thing in this country called black dog syndrome... fear of the big black dog makes them hard to place. http://www.blackpearldogs.com/ has an article about it.

1:41 PM  

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