I'm Just Sayin'

Updates on what's happening in my life. Thoughts about current events, politics, books, and anything else that I find interesting. Intended for those who know and love me.

Location: Albany, New York

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Pro-jihadist anti-Americans' efforts to subtly gain support for their causes through Rachael Ray's Dunkin' Donuts ad have been thwarted! How dare our enemies try to poison us with fashion!

Wait ... what? ... Rachael Ray? Dunkin Donuts? anti-American?

Yup. That's right. Most of us were apparently too ignorant to realize that Ray was donning a "pro-Palestinian" scarf while hawking coffee. Well, actually it was just black and white paisley, but apparently it looked enough like something Yasser Arafat would wear that the right-wing blogging community rushed to our defenses lest we be brainwashed.

According to one such protector of our fashion sense, Michelle Malkin explained that "Ignorance is no longer an excuse. In post-9/11 America, vigilance must never go out of style." Whew! I feel safer already! Of course, we can be ignorant of the other themes of the ad -- like the exploitation of coffee farmers, the proliferation of disposable plastics that is killing the planet, the unhealthy, chemically induced "food" products, etc. It would be un-American to discuss them, particularly with respect to a company that "protects our immigration laws" and therefore is usually considered ultra-American, except for this little fashion faux pas.


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